Don't Scribble -- Graffiti to deter graffiti.

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Shanghai Street Art

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Nice color palette.

Really like this one.
Need to find out what this means.
I like the graffiti-style chinese characters on the right side.

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Xiamen River at Night

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Turtle Pond

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Contrary to my expectations, this place didn't burn my nose off, like much of China's streets do. You think you're just going to get ice cream, go to the market, and eat at a restaurant -- but no, my friend. You are being exposed to constant breezes of raw sewage and many awful things all at once....makes my eyes water sometimes. Never smelt anything like that in my life.

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Friendly Inflatable Animals

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Or, the ultimate Jump for Fun.

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Zhong Shan Park

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Hilltop Tea House

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The Hostel Cat

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The Walk Home

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Inside the school, past the security gate. So it's really quite safe.

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China Can Have A Sense of Humor With Beach Sculptures

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The cord looks like what may have been a small runoff pipe.

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Xiada Beach Scene

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Swimmable Chinese Ocean?

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The fact that we see blatant sewage runoff pipes decorating the beaches, huge industrial cargo liners cruising so close to shore, janitors driving boats around to sweep up algae and trash in their green nets, and janitors on the beach as well -- it all is very offputting to convince oneself to "jump in." However, You will see either ballsy young males in speedos or in their boxers (sometimes in their full slacks and belt) jumping in, but you will also see the older men who take ocean swimming very seriously -- with the wetcap and bright ball indicator tethered to their trunks.

I took the plunge, it wasnt so bad, but the water was littered with various leaves and buds from the trees above shore.

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Xiamen Municipal Government Building

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Right across the street from the school where I work/live.

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In Church

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Its not the Church of Techno either.

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Glorious Neon

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The red, non-neoned sign at the top is for Trust Mart, the native Wal Mart of China. The place offers serious bargains that dont allow street market vendors and even local shops to really compete with its low profit margins, given its enormous size. They sell everything from groceries, cooked food, clothes, appliances, toys, sporting equipment (including bikes), media, and even have their own food court -- and not in the sense of a 1/2 of an aisle portion as it might be in a Ralphs or Albertsons -- either these sections have at least an entire aisle or an entire section.

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To Be A Real Legend, One Must Be The Likeness of a Fast Food Franchise

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Its a sad day for The Dragon. Will upload the commercials when the internets return.

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Inflatable Water Turbines (for kids)

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more details on a Shanghai attraction posted earlier.

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Shanghai Architecture

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Strolling through the Shanghai Park

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Lotta sleepers today.
I think this one is epic. Definitely a favorite. The guy trying to ignore the situation to his right really completes it.

apparently, they're heroes here.
A. Have you seen a disco ball outdoors before?
B. Have you seen a bunch of them together before?
C. Have you seen them hanging on a really tall pole?
D. Were they in a regular, everyday park?

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Lawry's of Shanghai

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Looks exactly like it might be in Los Angeles. We did have an ASIAN carver once. Reminded me of Grandpa. However, my money-weary ways kept me far from this place.

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Lake of Fun, Fuxing Park

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Fuxing Park, Shanghai

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Don't You Love it When You're Ordering Food And...

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You see this right next to where the stuff is being grilled/fried? Appetizing.

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Kijit With Scissors.

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Scary thought? Or can you still cut your own hair?

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Outside Shanghai Museum

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A Humble Ode to Mao

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Is it just me, or does he look a bit how Frank Miller might animate him in a comic book?

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