So I have this weird thing for closed market streets and shops at night...

Flyer Goodness Filed Under:

Not much to say, so I'll include an entry from October, one of my first few nights out in the area:

Saw a bunch of Yellow-Jacketed Ambulance workers and Policemen surrounding a body in the middle of the road on my bike ride home from Brick Lane. As I slowed by, the paramedics were zipping up a bag over his chest; no car, no bike; looks like a drunken pedestrian struck by a hit-and-run. Before I could catch a glimpse of his face, I heard screaming and saw a group of 7-8 kids running on the opposite end of the sidewalk, mostly african-english, sprinting down away from me, turning into the street right before my flat, in front of the police station. The pack of kids were being chased by a guy in his late-20s, lugging his coat and office bag, screaming that he's been robbed and pleading for someone to call the police, running but stumbling behind the youngsters. It was daylight savings by the time I got home - receiving a gift of an hour at 2:00am.

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