Not exactly what I expected, but there's a few good things in there.
This piece above is titled something along the lines of "Angels and Demons," a depiction of the battlefield between Heaven's guardians and the infantry from Hell. Interesting idea, and I like the caricature style, as well as the colour palette, but unfortunately couldn't exactly convey that here. What was odd to me, though, is the fact that the angels are fighting...not so fiendish-looking devils. So I might have the title mixed up on that one.
I love the facial expressions in this piece, especially in the center portion that I've posted above. The devilish face of anticipation of the greedy, fat monk (stab at the Catholic regime, possibly) compares nicely to the grotesque face of the guard to the right of him, who looks kinda like Disney's Goofy. Sounds like a pretty good art project. To get disney characters to look like real people, whether it be because of physical deformation or plastic surgery. Donald Duck should be intesting. Wow so on that topic it could be a book cover for "The Island of Dr. Monreau" (took me a while to search for the title of this book that I read in 7th grade, only armed with the keywords "animal, ""people," "surgery", and "doctor")
This piece above is titled something along the lines of "Angels and Demons," a depiction of the battlefield between Heaven's guardians and the infantry from Hell. Interesting idea, and I like the caricature style, as well as the colour palette, but unfortunately couldn't exactly convey that here. What was odd to me, though, is the fact that the angels are fighting...not so fiendish-looking devils. So I might have the title mixed up on that one.
I love the facial expressions in this piece, especially in the center portion that I've posted above. The devilish face of anticipation of the greedy, fat monk (stab at the Catholic regime, possibly) compares nicely to the grotesque face of the guard to the right of him, who looks kinda like Disney's Goofy. Sounds like a pretty good art project. To get disney characters to look like real people, whether it be because of physical deformation or plastic surgery. Donald Duck should be intesting. Wow so on that topic it could be a book cover for "The Island of Dr. Monreau" (took me a while to search for the title of this book that I read in 7th grade, only armed with the keywords "animal, ""people," "surgery", and "doctor")