Publicity stunt at Liverpool St. Station

Flyer Goodness Filed Under:

So previously there was this "improv" T-Mobile public perfomance ad that was also recorded for a tv advert.

I didn't investigate who or what was behind this "Silent Dance" orchestrated here when I checked it out, but the instructions were to the youth of London to bring their Ipods and dance to them in the Liverpool St Underground Station. ..Like in the ipod commercials. So maybe Apple is behind this? Or maybe its just a copycat. Or something Improv-Everwhere -ish. Eitherway, in the video below , I hope you noted the young pale lad in the upper corner who wants so bad to dance WITH the smooth hip-hoppers, but lacks the courage to join in. After I stopped recording however, he did join in. Briefly. And awkwardly. Maybe it was I preventing this joyous incident from happening after all.

poor newslady probably didn't sell too many papers that day, sadly.

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2 Responses to "Publicity stunt at Liverpool St. Station"

  1. Lauren Says:
  2. What was the stunt?
  3. shaun homsapaya Says:
  4. haha at 1:44 in the first.
    cool gig, i take it you couldnt control yourself and embraced the dance frenzy

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