Biking in London

Flyer Goodness Filed Under:
Samantha (thats her name) all accessorized, cleaned and tuned up. I'm going to be a sad man when I have to sell her off.
biking-casual: had to transform my laptop briefcase into a messenger bag for groceries and whatnot, and its cold and windy riding hence the cap and glasses.

Biking here really has been a very interesting experience, aside from becoming familiar with being on the wrong side of the road, I've gained so much more culturally, personally and FINANCIALLY.

Read this article on how regular Londoners are giving up their cars and Oyster Cards (Prepaid tube/bus plans) so that they can save money on bikes.

So many things I'm getting out of this, I really don't see why more people don't do it:

1. YOU SAVE A LOT OF QUID. On average, you'll spend 24quid per week on transport, thats the cheapest weekly rate for a card. see that over a month, and you're spending easily over 100quid if you're being active, seeing stuff, hanging out, experiencing LIFE. Thats over $200 USD for public transportation for a month.
After fixing, customizing and accessorizing my bike, I've spent a total of 100quid. Thats one month of travel, and no more investments (maybe new tires as mine are cracking and from the 80s). I get to go where I want without having to tread it out, or be concerned about the cash, or be cheap and a loser and stay inside or go straight home everyday.

2. YOU CANT LOOK LIKE A TOURIST. As geeky or awkward as you might look, you're joining a caring club that stands for "hey, I'm here for a while and I'm practical." And even if you get lost, people, even sketchy looking people, aren't going to give you looks, and instead I've gotten much more detailed and helpful directions when I needed it. London has so many tourists, people dont even care where they direct lost people. On a bike, it seems a bit different.

3. ITS FASTER. I can get to where I need to get approximately the same time public transport will get me there, if not faster. You'll spend up to 15 minutes waiting for nightbuses, and about the same time waiting for the Underground. And these things make a lot of stops. And...they cost money..

4. YOU REALLY LEARN AND EXPERIENCE THE CITY ON A RAW LEVEL. You learn the streets, the sidestreets, the directions, the shops, the shortcuts, the roundabouts, the crazy intersections. And you see everything firsthand...even the crazy stuff. On the tube, train or bus, it goes like this: you wait, you get on, you wait, you magically appear at your destination, and thats it. There is a journey, but most of the time the trains and buses are pretty silent. And at night there's shady characters, so just opening your mouth will say "please, target me." Because of my bike, I've been able to see a handful of fights, odd accidents, street art, galleries, shops and bars that I'd never be able to really catch if I wasnt on a bike.

5. ITS EXERCISE. I can eat whatever I want, and I'm sure I'll burn it off. Also I'm hardly ever cold because of the workout. and its pretty fun.

not my video, just one i've found on youtube, but i've just made a necklace for my camera so that i can record my own commute and give you a glimpse of what you're missing out on.

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4 Responses to "Biking in London"

  1. shaun homsapaya Says:
  2. sounds like you got a good deal going for you, win-win-win.
    you look like you could do pork n beans with weezer with your bike attire
  3. Aidzz Says:
  4. I think you look a lot more like a local Londoner, Erik! You're getting around and enjoying the adventure with Samantha! She looks awesome and pretty!
  5. Oscar Says:
  6. I really like Samantha. I'd be sad too if I had to get rid of her. Looks like bike riding is the way to there in the UK. I can get into that myself. Glad to see you're getting well acclimated to the London lifestyle. Thinking of you as you seek employment.
    Uncle 'O'
  7. Dan Says:
  8. I am glad that you have Samantha as your partner.All of us are very happy the way you handle the new journey with fun and excitement.

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