a bit thinner, but pretty much the same

Flyer Goodness Filed Under:
08 JULY (US)


Willing to post this by a Very Influential Request Only; so don't mind the bollocks. I really don't enjoy or like doing this, earning membership into shameless social-network self portraits. If I were to put things in context, I think I'll scrap this once I have enough noticeable change physically to show a better progression in my appearance (making for an interesting infographic), but until then this is the guy behind the camera. And actually the only photos I have including my mug in the UK.

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1 Response to "a bit thinner, but pretty much the same"

  1. shaun homsapaya Says:
  2. urban outfitter model in the making, glad youre making the most of that blazer. remember to cross the arms.

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