finally, beef is on the menu

Flyer Goodness Filed Under:
See that sticker? I've found something even cheaper than those fake pork sausages, and it tastes a lot better and more natural too. The bottle on the right is amazing; here they have super-concentrated juices from lemonade to pomegranate; the lemonade here is double-concentrate lemonade for 50p ($1 USD). Its called squash. Basically its just really super concentrated syrup base for all the "5% natural" beverages you'll purchase from the market, restaurants and fast food joints. And its CONCENTRATE, so you can use it potentially for cocktails, blended drinks, and to mix with carbonated water to make a soda. AND ITS CHEAPER. And the beauty of it is that you can mix how much you want so you dont need to have 800% of your daily value of glucose and get early-onset diabetes. Why don't we have stuff like this, America?

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1 Response to "finally, beef is on the menu"

  1. Aidzz Says:
  2. Glad you're finding reasonably good quality food. Have you had any rib-eye or steak.

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