Flesh eating, possessed, and watching your every move

Flyer Goodness Filed Under:
Caught this in the display window at Zara on Oxford St. Seriously, I could imagine two possible favorable scenarios for this display to be effective, both disturbing:

A. Pale Middle-aged woman: "Wow my son LeDouche would look so classy and handsome and cute in that woven cardigan and charcoal khakis! Just like a little stylish freak-migit who wandered off an Osh Kosh photoshoot"
B. Pasty Spoiled little boy: "MOM! I got to have that new merino wool scarf! Look at the sequins! Its totally the rage this season! And I need new pants! Everyone at boarding school has trim, ball-hugging cuts like those emo indie tights!"

I have no idea how these creepy, ghostly-looking migit things can pull customers in. But like hell, it works apparently. Store was packed.

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1 Response to "Flesh eating, possessed, and watching your every move"

  1. shaun homsapaya Says:
  2. lol at perspective A, haha at the very least that mannequin looks like it could be aged around mid 20s.
    and talk about hypocrite with the oshkosh bgosh, gotta love the rainbow overalls from them.

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